Using amd_pstate within GRUB

- 1 min read

Simply set the follow inside of /etc/default/grub within the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= line:


if you want to set the pstate driver for your AMD CPU to something that is focused on performance. Then, run:

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

to regenerate the grub.cfg. Alternatively, set the amd_pstate driver to passive or guided for less taxing workloads.

Intro of the Intro

With the growing accessibility of knowledge in making websites, it seems useful to make a tutorial on making one for Hugo, a very powerful and performant static website generator, which this site itself is powered by. So, without further delay, here’s a tutorial on making a Hugo Website.

What this Tutorial DOES NOT Intend to Cover

We won’t be covering the administrivia of setting up a domain name and linking it up to your server. That deserves its own tutorial. Certbot, nginx, apache2, caddy, etc. will be saved for another day.